If you’re planning to get dentures or dental implants, it’s crucial to ask your dentist on the Sunshine Coast some vital questions before making a final choice. These questions will help to provide you with the information you require. Moreover, it will ensure that you make the correct decision. 

You might be wondering what questions to ask to gather all the relevant details. That’s precisely why we have developed this comprehensive guide. Take the time to read through it and gain the insights you need for confident decision-making. 

What is a Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a surgical procedure in which an artificial tooth root is placed into the jawbone. The dental implant replaces the missing tooth, providing a permanent and stable anchor for one or more false teeth, known as crowns.

A dental implant is made from titanium and looks like a small metal post screwed directly into your jawbone during the surgery. Over time, it fuses to your bone tissue allowing it to act as your natural teeth roots did before its loss. Many dentists consider Dental implants an excellent option for replacing missing teeth. They provide stability and durability compared to other restoration methods, like bridges or dentures.

Dental Implants sunshine coast

When considering getting a dental implant, you should consult your dentist about your oral health condition. Your dentist is the best person to decide if getting implants are right for you depending on the factors such as your age, medical history and lifestyle habits. These factors might affect how well you’ll get along with an implanted tooth over time. Generally, those who have adequate bone density can benefit from dental implants without any issues.  

Once your dentist determines you’re fit to receive implants, they will proceed with the placement procedure. It usually takes two appointments that can spread out across several weeks or months between each visit. It allows plenty of time for the area where the implant was placed to heal properly so everything is firmly in place. 

During these visits, various tests will be conducted, such as X-rays of potential sites, CT scans (if needed) etc. It gives your dentist enough information about nerve pathways, sinus cavities etc.  

After taking teeth measurements, your dentist will begin placing screws into the jawbone using advanced techniques. Afterwards, another check-up appointment will be scheduled somewhere down the line to ensure everything goes smoothly. At the same time, the healing process took place, and no further work needed to be done before being able to start using prosthetic teeth attached to the same post.

What are Dentures?

Dentures are removable false teeth that are used to cover your natural teeth. They are available in many forms. You can choose from traditional metal and plastic options or newer alternatives like porcelain and clear acrylic. 

Dentures sunshine coast

Your dentist will ensure that dentures should properly fit your mouth to remain aligned and secured, as there are no permanent teeth to anchor them. In addition, they should be durable enough to withstand pressure while chewing. 

You can choose full or partial dentures, depending upon the number of teeth that have been lost. Dentures are usually made from a combination of acrylic resin, metal framework, or porcelain. Acrylic resin is flexible and comfortable to wear, while metal frameworks provide strength and durability. Porcelain dentures can be made to look very natural and blend in with remaining teeth or existing dental work.

The process of making dentures begins with an impression taken by your dentist or prosthodontist, which will then be used as a guide to create the custom-made appliance for you. After creating the model, it will then need to be fitted comfortably on your gums where there has been tooth loss.

The process requires several dental appointments, during which your dentist will make the adjustments until it perfectly fits you. You can make them last for several years with proper care and maintenance.

What are the Common Differences between Dental Implants and Dentures?

Dental implants and dentures are two popular options for replacing missing teeth. Both dental implants and dentures can improve your smile, allowing you to eat, speak, and feel better about your appearance. However, there are some primary differences between the two procedures that you should consider while choosing between the two options.

  • A denture can cover only the upper teeth. On the other hand, an implant can cover your whole mouth, including the lower teeth.
  • Implants are permanent, but dentures are removable.
  • Dentures require adjustment before you can wear them comfortably. Dental implants help to replace the root of the tooth.
  • A denture solves only cosmetic dental issues. Implants, on the other hand, are used to replace a tooth that is missing due to decay, trauma, periodontal disease, or congenital conditions.

Dental implants involve surgically placing titanium posts within the jawbone to anchor replacement teeth firmly in place. Dentures can be either partial or full depending on the remaining numbers of your natural teeth. These removable prosthetics rest on top of your gums with support from connecting clasps or suction cups.

How Often Do Dentures Need to be Replaced?

Dentures can last a decade. But if they become loose, it may be time for a replacement. Moreover, removable dentures are easier to clean. It’s important to visit your dentist regularly to ensure they’re in good condition. 

Does a Dental Implant Hurt?

Dental implants are a great way to replace your missing tooth. The procedure involves the fixing of the artificial teeth into your jawbone. It’s a straightforward process that requires minimal preparation. Moreover, you will not feel any pain or discomfort as artificial teeth are fixed right into your jawbone, with no cutting, drilling, or anaesthesia.

The artificial teeth are placed in the bone and covered with gum tissue. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about pain or discomfort. Your dentist will use a pain-free process to make you achieve a new and confident smile.

Will Dental Implants Look Like My Original Teeth?

Dental implants are designed to closely resemble your natural teeth in both appearance and functionality. The goal of dental implant treatment is to provide you with a replacement tooth that looks and feels as natural as possible.

To achieve a natural appearance, dental implants are customised to match the colour, shape, and size of your remaining natural teeth. The crown, which is the visible part of the dental implant, is typically made from high-quality dental materials such as ceramic or porcelain. These materials can be colour-matched to blend seamlessly with your surrounding teeth, creating a natural-looking smile. 

Additionally, dental implant crowns are carefully shaped and contoured to mimic the appearance of natural teeth, including the way they reflect light and their overall proportions. Skilled dentists and prosthodontists work to ensure that the implant crown aligns properly with your adjacent teeth and complements your facial features.

Additionally, dental implant crowns are carefully shaped and contoured to mimic the appearance of natural teeth, including the way they reflect light and their overall proportions. Skilled dentists and prosthodontists work to ensure that the implant crown aligns properly with your adjacent teeth and complements your facial features. 

Final Thought

Both dentures and dental implants have their own unique benefits. Thus, it’s important to consult with a dentist on the Sunshine Coast to evaluate your specific oral health condition and discuss which option – dentures, dental implants, or a combination of both—would be most suitable for you based on your needs, budget, and preferences.

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